

For many years the artist living inside me remained silent and hidden, but it was only a matter of time before I had to let her break out from her cocoon and follow her heart.  

There have been many places I’ve called home, but most memorable have been in New Jersey, New York, Florida, Rhode Island, Arizona, over a year in Belgium, Europe, and currently California.

My BA degree in education allowed me to teach school, where I was actually taught how to become a free spirit by the delightful and animated children, and follow my heart and passion to become a fine artist, 

A lifetime of meeting fascinating people, traveling the world, family, and many adventures has allowed me to store sense memories that have become the latent groundwork for my paintings, as a self taught artist.  

Strongly influenced by the works of master painters, Pollock, Rothko, Kandinsky, Richter, Van Gogh, etc, I discovered color and abstract painting to be the ideal way to express myself – emotional, impassioned, and vibrant.  Many of my pieces, of all sizes, are hanging in beautiful homes across the country,….. large-sized paintings being my specialty. It is the ideal medium for conveying my inner most feelings with maximum impact.  

My new studio in Los Angeles, CA gives me all the room and inspiration I need for exploring big unique ideas. 

Refusing to only color inside the lines or to follow the rules, my sense of adventure and curiosity have taken me to places totally unexpected.

I am most happy when exploring something new that emerges, surprises, and delights me, as well as my clients.

In my studio, alone, in the quiet long hours before dawn – that is the time when I am most alive.  That is when and where I can shut out everything but my innermost imaginings, and focus entirely on my artistic experiments. 

I am in love with rich intense colors, heavy textures, reflective pigments, and unexpected surprises.  I stand in my studio surrounded by tables and shelves groaning with paints, supplies and raw ingredients of all description.  They await my magic.  I am the alchemist – adding a pinch of this, a fistful of that.  A smattering of sand, a chunk of bark, a splint of shining metal.  I am the whirlwind wielding the stroke of a brush, or the swish of a blade – blending, smoothing, spraying and layering one color upon another.  Lifeless liquids and bits come together, guided only by my inherent energy.  I am always reaching over old boundaries – and not constrained by what is ‘au courant’.    

Shapes, rich colors, patterns and textures, I first envision give way to others, and others, until – as though a cloud of smoke is cleared from my brewing pot – something from inside me finally materializes into a painted image, with a life of its own.  This is the image I tender to the viewer.  My only wish is that my viewers will appreciate the depth of embodied excitement it contains…  the little bit of myself that is encapsulated there forever. 

This is my gift to you.  I hope you view it well, and often.

